The Fam

The Fam

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Maam, I need to frisk you

I'm sure you all want to know who got frisked?? Well, it was me. Just wait for it, wait for it.
I think I'll share how the last 24 hours has gone in the Gradke household.

4:30pm - meet Rustin at daycare to pick up babies, change gross day care clothes and make bottle for Adalae
4:45pm - crawl in back seat while Rustin driving along highway to soothe Adalae
5pm - arrive at church as Thade has arrived home from camp. Find out teeth have not been brushed since Friday night.
6pm - leave church after awards ceremony and head to dinner
7:15 - arrive home, Rustin at store, both babies start to cry. Thade takes Adalae while I change Reed's diaper, change him into PJs and get him a drink
7:30 - start Thade's laundry and feed Adalae bottle
2 more hours of who knows what but I don't remember sitting down
9:30 - still doing Thade's laundry
10pm - pack Thade's bag for his 7am flight to GA
10:30 - sweet dreams, hallelujah

5am - alarm, snooze
5:15 - get up, wake Thade, shower
5:45 - go get Thade to leave, Thade still in bed, yell at Thade which woke Reed up, Rustin feeding Adalae bottle so I get Reed settled
5:55 - leave house only to realize I don't even know which airline the flight is on, much less the terminal and gate. Call delta, no reservation for Thade. Call American, no reservation for Thade. Call Airtran as I've pulled into terminal E to figure this out. Yes! It's Airtran and hallelujah the gate is E 17.
6:10 - walk in to realize there are 12,000 people in ticket line
6:20 - resolve we will miss the flight and I will spend my Thursday morning trying to get Thade on another flight which I assume will be a piece of cake the day before a holiday right??
6:30 - Thank you Lord, someone is calling all passengers on our flight to come to the front of the ticket line.
6:45 - Beg to cut in the security line so Thade doesn't miss his flight.
6:48 - Get stopped at security because I'm beeping!! Spent 2 more minutes taking off all jewelery and half-way stripping. Suddenly I realize what it is.

Let's just say the dress I was wearing required an undergarment to keep my baby belly in check. As I realize this, I have to tell the security person in front of the 12,000 other passengers in the vicinity. The security person then asks me to "step aside ma'am" and proceeds to wave the metal wand slowly across my mid-section approximately 32 times as it beeps as loud as a garbage truck reversing. Just as I think I could not be more humiliated, and to ensure all 12,000 people know about my "undergarment", Thade asks in the loudest voice possible, "Mom what are you wearing under there??!!"
6:57 - Thade is last person to board plane.
7am - Plane leaves, off to work.
10am - call Ikea, dresser I've been waiting for is in stock and there are 7 of them! Get in car and drive straight there
10:35 - Apparently 6 other people are on their way to buy the same dresser. Arrive at Ikea and buy the very last dresser left (for Adalae's room)
12noon - work out then vomit (I didn't really vomit but I want to everytime I do this particular set with some people at work)
1pm - start hinting to office we should take off early today.
2pm - get email about cake celebration at 4pm. Count me out!

Happy Fourth of July!