2011 will certainly be a year to remember for this Gradke family. I've lost body parts and people I love and a sense of myself at times. But what I've gained outweighs the heartache tenfold! I've grown closer to Him, to my family, and to so many fabulous friends that encourage me. I've met new people and have been able to help some of them. Our marriage is solid as a rock and my kids are watching Rustin and I follow Christ as best as we know how.
I want to share some highlights from the last 2 weeks (mostly because I don't remember much past then).
I got my prosthetic this week. I am a happy girl! The artists did an amazing job. Did you know your skin changes colors 10,000x per day. Try this: raise one hand in the air and hang one by your side for 10 seconds. Look at the difference in colors. That being said, the prostetic never really matches my skin perfectly. However, I do believe it's better than the black glove/hair roller solution I fashioned. So I'm content.
Like my ring? $7.88 at Wal-mart and it can be yours! Speaking of rings, I went to see my jeweler today. He is working with me to design a ring. Now I just need to convince my husband to pay for it. Here is what it would look like, sort-of. My diamond would sit in it and the band would be thicker to cover the seam of my prosthetic.
I saw what is left of my ring this weekend for the first time since the accident. To be honest, it was hard. My stomach turned, the lump closed off my airway and then the tears started flowing.
It's hard to see, but my engagement ring is in the same oval shape as the wedding band. I had another wedding band (one on each side) but I suppose the fish in Lake Grandbury are playing ring toss with it now. I loved my wedding ring. I never took it off. I mean NEVER. I showered with it, I slept with it, I laked with it. I've been waiting a long time to be able to wear it again. Although it won't be the same ring, it will still hold the same meaning. That I belong to Rustin, that he is my best friend and my husband.
Our tenants are terminating their lease early which means we are paying 2 mortgages starting Feb 1. We've decided to move back into our Bedford home which means we need to sell our HOUSE. <---- click and forward to all your friends! Thade is ecstatic about moving back to our old neighborhood. All of his friends are in the area. The kids will love the pool this summer too.
Schubert has been up to no good the last couple of weeks.
Can someone please invent an Elf on the Shelf solution for year round? Schubert is keeping my kids in check! Well, he is keeping Reed in line. Adalae isn't buying it.
I completed a little art project I found on Pinterest.
Reed and Adalae's school Christmas program. You won't be dissapointed if you watch through to Adalae's performence. She basically picked her nose and jumped up and down the entire time. It was aswesomesauce.
I have much to be thankful for. I could write pages and pages on all the greatness of my life. God has blessed me with family and friends that I love with all my heart. Most of all, I am thankful for His grace and perfect love. I am nothing without Him.