The Fam

The Fam

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Zoo!

Today Reed and Adalae enjoyed their first trip to the zoo!

Adalae enjoys her lunch.

Reed called any animal that had 4 legs a dog. He just kept pointing and repeating "dog, dog, dog".

Reed also likes Adalae's bottles. He doesn't actually drink out of them, just runs around with it hanging from his mouth.

Our niece Haven came for a visit too last week.

Rustin will kill me for posting this but it's too funny not to share. Here is the outfit he chose to do yard work in last weekend. Thank God he was in our BACK yard. Nice headband. Oh, and don't forget your wristbands!


Biddy said...

you're right. rustin is totally going to kill you but oh my gracious am i glad you posted that picture! i cannot stop laughing!!!!

Jill Atkinson said...

nice outfit rustin! was with christa checking out your blog and it's good to see you haven't changed much in 10 years!! jill