The Fam

The Fam

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Potty Training

Ok, enough is enough. When your child says to you, "Mommy I pooped. Peas change my diaper", it's time to get serious about potty training. I am determined to have Reed potty trained by his 3rd birthday. This gives me about 5 weeks (yikes). Here is my plea for help. Please share your potty training tricks, tips, and bribes. I haven't potty trained a kid in 10 years and to be completely honest, day care potty trained my last one. While we are being honest, I also have to admit the reason my child is not even close to a diaper-free existence. Diapers are just easier! No scrubbing pee out of the carpet; no scraping poop out of Buzz LightYear underwear; no stares from other moms at the store because your child has obviously peed a small river all over himself and you don't have a change of clothes; no moments of panic when your child falls in the toliet at Chilis. Reed will sit on the potty, he will pee in the potty but he fights it. I'm told he poops in the potty at school, but I've yet to see this feat at home. He's got the reading part down though. Today he sat on the potty for 20 minutes with Golf Magazine.

1 comment:

The Potts Family said...

I have to start potty training soon too and I'm dreading it. So, I will check back here for tips anyone leaves b/c I need them too!
Braelyn doesn't really have an interest right now. It's like she's scared of the potty. I don't know what to do. I don't want to force her to sit on the potty and then just make her that much more freaked out.
Is there a service that will come potty train your child?