The Fam

The Fam

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Winning....  Adalae that is.  Today she made her soccer debut.  Adalae scored THREE of her team's four goals.  I have to admit, I was in shock.  Don't get me wrong, Adalae has her talents.  She can twirl her hair better than me and she could negotiate peace in the Middle East with one doe eyed look.  But, compared to her brothers, she is so docile.  I mean this girl is frail!  She eats like a bird (literally bread only) and can't even close the car door by herself.  Adalae is good to walk about 16 feet before she needs someone to carry her.  She is the first kid at the party to rest because she is "so tired".  She sleeps past 6am!


You rock baby girl!


lorrikim said...

Yeah! Way to go, Adalae!!

Unknown said...

Way to go, Adalae! And great job, Momma, documenting this for her. She'll be thrilled someday.
Also, because of posting this, I found your post about Reed and your family diet choices. I'd love to talk to you more about it sometime, but for now just wanted to thank you for taking time to document so much useful information and encouragement.