The Fam

The Fam

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Unfortunately, along with my good looks and uncanny ability to eat anything and everything, Thade has inherited my oblivious and non-observant nature. Now, Rustin will always take time to point out things such as a beautiful full moon, the changing leaves in the fall, or that I need a wax. I, however, only noticed yesterday that Thade only has 6 teeth to chew with, thus putting him about even with Reed.

The other day Rustin and I were having a conversation about one of Thade's friends in our car. Specifically, this friend has their house for sale, and as we also have our house for sale, I pumped him for information on his realtor, showings, etc. As I am sharing my findings, Rustin asks me if I really thought Thade would be able to accurately answer all these questions (assuming the kid was probably just making things up). I reply that most kids are more observant than our oldest boy. Thade pops in, "Mom, I'm offended". I ask Thade why he is offended. Thade pouts, "because you said that most kids are, um, err well, something...."

My point exactly.

1 comment:

Biddy said...

hahahahahaaa thank goodness rustin is there to keep you two from falling into a hole or something