The Fam

The Fam

Monday, March 24, 2008

I love you more than cake

I love you more than cake is something my nephew Grayson used to say around 2-3 years of age. I'm hoping that Reed copies him.

5 weeks and counting until baby Adalae is due to make her appearance! Why do I have absolutely zero ambition to eat healthy at this point? You would think every time the Dr. makes me step on the hell scale that I would say, I should go get a salad for lunch today. But instead, I tend to crave anything that has lots and lots of carbs. Especially cereal, cake and candy. Just like this morning. I'm feeling good about myself because I brought a whole wheat English muffin and egg from home to make my own better version of the oh so yummy McDonald's Egg McMuffin. So as I'm waiting for my muffin to toast I notice there is some butter in the fridge at work. Yummy, so I slap some butter on my toasted muffin. Oh wait, is that cheese I see? Ooooh, and a pre-cooked sausage patty? Oh yes it was and oh yes, I did eat someone elses sausage patty and cheese from the fridge.

I also grabbed a few pieces of the kid's Easter candy (ok, 8 to be exact) on my wait out to "share with my co-workers". I've been at work 28 minutes and have managed to eat my muffin and 6 of those candy pieces. I should really have a salad today at lunch.

We spent Easter weekend in Abilene. We got to hang out with Memaw, Mimi, Nana, the Aunts, cousins, and a dozen or so kids under the age of 5. I know my Mimi loves to entertain but I seriously don't know how she does it.

Saturday night we saw Semi-Pro. It was mildly entertaining, as expected. I'd give it one thumb up. Rustin and I were the only people in the theatre besides a group of 4 teenagers in the top row. We should have suspected the movie would be less than par when we walked in and saw the empty seats. But I would have been happy watching anything (with the exception of the wiggles) alone with my husband since we never do that.

Sunday, we went to church at University Church of Christ. We thought we would try something new and the church is practically on ACU's campus so I assumed it would be full of young-uns and a fun service. I do believe Rustin and I were the youngest people there. Reed wasn't feeling it at all so 5 minutes into the service, I had to take him out. Boy was I relieved to get downstairs and see this:

If you can't see from the excellent quality of my camera phone, this is a nursery door sign. A little old woman pointed me in the direction and said, there is a nursery if you'd like! So I walk in and this is the "nursery":

What was I expecting?? Oh, I don't know, a sweet little old lady that would take my baby and say, "Go enjoy the sermon. Your baby is going to have SO much fun with me and all the other little kids!". But then I remembered, Rustin and I were the only attendees without an AARP card, so why would there by an actual nursery with workers?

Oh, and if you can't tell from the picture, the room was approximately 15x15. Reed had very smelly lasagna poop all morning and of course filled his diaper as soon as we came in the nursery. I'm sure you've guessed there is no diaper genie in said nursery, so we got to sit in that room with that diaper for an hour. Fun stuff.

Oh yeah, Reed LOVES the water. If there is a toilet near, beware. In fact, Sunday morning he cruised into Mimi's bathroom and splashed around in her toilet just after my 5 year old cousin used it and didn't flush.

Reed also likes to spit his milk. He thinks it's so funny.

Thade starts golf lessons today. I hope he has fun. It's something I really want him to learn but it's hard to keep a 10 year old's attention for that long. Just the reason we've never played baseball. Oh wait, baseball can't keep MY attention either.

1 comment:

Biddy said...

i cannot wait until jake can flush mimi's toilets! ick

hahahaha i'm still laughing about the nursery. shoulda gone to southern hills (i know i know, it was early). they trade you a beeper for your kid. it's a great trade off if you ask me :-)