The Fam

The Fam

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Random Items and Updates

Look what my poor baby did to himself 2 nights ago. This was by far our worse scare yet (and apparently we've had several by the obvious skinned nose you see). He fell off the recliner. Worse goose egg yet. Reed is so tough - if THAT thing popped up on MY forehead, I'd cry a lot longer than he did. After 2-3 minutes and a Popsicle, all was well. By the time he woke up Friday morning, it was gone.

Adalae will be crawling on all fours before long. She is very mobile and could put the best of the best armyman (is that a word?) to shame with her army crawl. I'm so sad my baby is growing up. I'm also so sad I can't set her down and expect her to be in the same place when I get back! Which means we will soon have TWO playpens set up in our family room to enable restroom use without either (or both) a toddler/crawling infant tugging on your leg or crawling in your lap while attempting to pee.

Last Friday, I organized a surprise anniversary party for Shelley. RightStaff celebrated 10 years this November. I got her hubby and her girlfriend in on the deal and she was expecting a double date. Our entire team was there to celebrate with her and she was really surprised!

Here is where I ended up later that night.

Don't even ask.

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