The Fam

The Fam

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


It is now 7:33 PM on a Friday night and my ENTIRE family is asleep. Not just the members under 2, but my 11 year old son (who apprently has nothing better to do after being grounded from all things electronic) and Rustin, who has fallen asleep with Adalae in bed. Seriously, my 70 year old grandmother can outlast this group. (In fact, she has outlasted me many of shopping trips).

Boy have our Friday nights changed from the short 8 years since college.

Adalae started crawling on Nov 29th. On all fours. She went from a slow army crawl and generally giving up after 5 or 6 feet of travel to full on ripping bows of Christmas gifts, standing while propping herself on our brick fireplace ledge, and crawling up my leg to a standing position.

Reed repeats EVERYTHING. He has a pair of PJs with a football on the shirt and little footballs all over the pants. He wears them as soon as their clean and gets so excited. He runs around the house pointing at his shirt and pants yelling, "ball, ball, ball, ball, ball."
His most spoken phrase at the moment is "Oh WOW, cool" This is repeated in rapid succession anytime we are driving through a neighborhood with Christmas yard decorations.

Thade has been grounded for a while now. In fact, yesterday would have been his first day of freedom in a week but he was clever enough to start wrestling a friend in the hall on the way to lunch and thus lose that privelage. Although, it is a nice break for me that he has nothing better to do than play with his little brother.

Amazingly, Rustin still has his job with a company that has lost billions of dollars in the last year.

And I am FINISHED Christmas shopping. WHEW.

I'll leave you with some pictures of the kiddos.

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