The Fam

The Fam

Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa is my hero


Well Santa is HERO to at least 2 out of 3 and I am not going to complain about those statistics. (we won't count the pre-teen who no longer believes in Santa but plays along for my sake because he knows Santa will still bring him the latest video game craze if he does)

Gone are the days of oblivion for poor Reed.


1 comment:

Jill Atkinson said...

First - you need to punish Rustin for buying himself something so close to Christmas! I would've been pissed if I ahd gone to all that trouble! This does not even compare to your story cause all I did was a measly internet buy (a t-shirt) but I had to tell Seth that I got it because I saw him looking at the website this week about to order the same shirt - that was my one SURPRISE since we are buying carpet for our family room for Christmas. Oh well. Second - the crying children Santa pics are always my fav and I think are way more memorable than the normal ones!!