The Fam

The Fam

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Conversations with a 1 year old

It's amazing and scary at the same time how quickly Reed's vocabulary is developing.

Tonight at dinner he says, "Cheese peese, Wawa (water), All done, Bath?"
Every night as soon as he gets in the bath he stands up and says, "pee-pee, pee-pee" and proceeds to pee in his bath. He thinks it's hilarious. I've started keeping his potty by the bath tub but he has no interest in it. Literally, I will pick him up mid-pee, put him on the potty, put him back in the bath after a couple of minutes of nothing, and he stands right back up and finishes his pee in the bath.
Just now, I pull up my blog to start a post. Reed sees the last post as I'm scrolling down and in rapid succession yells,
"Da-Di, Ba-Bi (for Mommy), OH WOW!" (sequin prom attire)
"Ball, Ball, Ball"
"Tade, Alalae, Ho, Ho, Ho"
He quickly loses interest and then starts shoving a book in my face chanting, "Buu, Buu, Buu"
Well he quickly lost interest in that also after about 4 seconds.
Rustin and I started The Love Dare on New Years Day. For all you couples out there, I highly recommend this book! Our class at church is doing it together and I guarantee you will be blessed no matter if your marriage is in great shape or not so great shape.

Some pictures from Christmas morning:
Reed loves his slide.
Thade showing about as much enthusiasm as always when Naruto or video games are not involved.
Adalae's first baby doll!

Rock Band, Rock Band, We all scream for Rock Band!

Reed does the monkey while yelling, "oo, oo, ah, ah!"

Everyone is finally well and healthy in our household so I'm very thankful for that. Adalae is not far from walking. She pulls up on everything and will let go so we have to stay right by her at all times. Thade starts basketball practice tonight and he is very excited about that. Rustin and I are still gainfully employed and loving each other and our beautiful kids so life is good! I'm excited about 2009 but also sad this makes 12 years since high school and the big 3-0 for both Rustin and I. Time flies!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Your kids are just too precious!!!!