The Fam

The Fam

Monday, January 26, 2009

Kurt Warner

What an inspiration Kurt (QB for the Arizona Cardinals) is to us all. His personal story says it all. At 21 years old, when most men at this age are partying it up, Kurt was falling in love with Brenda and her two children (one with special needs, a serious brain injury inflicted by her ex-husband, and confined to a wheelchair). Brenda was a divorced single mom supporting her family on food stamps. Four years later, Kurt and Brenda married, and he immediately adopted both of her children. They have since had 5 children of their own. All the while, Kurt is being cut from teams, getting injured, loosing contracts and at one point stocked groceries for $5.50 per hour.

Kurt Warner is an amazing man of God and I will be right there with my husband cheering him on this Super Sunday!

This is a really neat article about Kurt, his family and his unwavering faith. God is good!

"If you ever really want to do a story about who I am, God's got to be at the center of it. Every time I hear a piece or read a story that doesn't have that, they're missing the whole lesson of who I am." - Kurt Warner


The Potts Family said...

I know, I love his story and that he is an amazing man of great faith. After they won the playoff game I just loved how he gave all thanks to God first. Not so much for winning a football game, but just that in all things he gives thanks first to the Lord.

He's one of the few NFL players that I think deserves his salary, simply for being such a good man and an influence to others.

I'm excited to have someone to really root for this year.

Jill Atkinson said...

Lets go Kurt!! Lead the Cards to victory!! So sad that this country cuts out God - ugh Oprah!