Tonight after dinner I thought I would perform a "quick trim" of Reed's hair.
I should have known I'm no match for a squirming 2 year old. Reed's cut went from a "trim" to "mullet" to "bowl" to "take a little more off the back" and then finally "give up":
I'm so sad. I feel like I amputated some vital part of my poor son. I know it will grow back but not soon enough as far as I'm concerned.
On a positive note, Rustin and I made an offer on a house that was accepted today. We are very excited and expect you all to visit us this summer. In addition, we are about to venture into landlord territory and lease our current home. If you know anyone looking for a 4 bdrm house with pool in Bedford, send them our way!
In my 30 years on this earth, I may have unconciously come to the conclusion that many ailments my parents warned me about were myths. I've never had these ailments nor have I known anyone to be affected. Two of them are poison ivy/oak, and infected cuts/scratches. I never really believed all those times I played in filthy creeks and bacteria infected forests that I would contract poision ivy. Nor did I ever think subjecting myself to the awful burning of peroxide would prevent infection.
So yesterday Thade and I are hanging out on the couch watching the Wiggles or some such when Thade casually starts scratching his arm. After a few minutes he pulls his sleeve up and asks, "Mom is there something on my arm?" This is what I see:
Ummm, yes, there is something on your arm! So gross. Immediately I packed up all 3 kids, called Rustin to cut his golf game short and headed to CareNow. In addition to this infected cut, Thade has a dozen more infected scratches on his legs, plus a bad case of poison ivy with a lovely rash all over his neck and chest. (Which by the way he never noticed until I pulled his shirt up in the Dr. office) He started a steriod pack and is taking 2 different antibiotics. Today it's worse but we are hoping for improvement tomorrow or we have to go back to the Dr.
Saturday I survived the 2 birthday parties. It drizzled most of Thade's party but the boys didn't care. They played football in the mud and had fun. I can't believe he is 12. I know its cliche but the time really does fly. Here I was desparately trying to keep one of the 12 candles lit thought the Happy Birthday song. It never did stay lit.
Adalae's party was fun also.
Aunt Barbara brought this adorable hat for her to wear. Although she absolutely hated it on, we did get a good picture or two.
Reed enjoyed eating her cake........
And opening her presents.....
Reed's blankie isn't the only thing he likes to put up his nose.
So, what do you think, are these kids related or what?
Reed and I had a tea party tonight with Adalae's new tea set and real tea! (decaf obviously, I'm not a complete nitwit)
After a friendly reminder from my sweet mother-n-law and Aunt Ann of what a blog slacker I've become that some do enjoy reading my blog, I'll highlight the last 2 months in Gradke land.
Adalae: Now blows kisses, walks, is a mommy's girl, and will continue to eat anything and everything until she reaches the point of regurgitation. Reed: Talks ALL THE TIME (as evidenced in the video at the end), now sleeps in a big-boy car bed with Elmo sheets, loves to sit on the potty AFTER he pees in his diaper, is a daddy's boy, and only eats french fries and pretzels.
This is where we sometimes find Reed sleeping after an especially tough night of our failed attempts to keep him in bed.
Thade: Recently came home with his first black eye, doesn't care much for mommy or daddy unless he wants something (not really - he is still a sweet boy most of the time), and eats like a full grown man. Rustin: Was in CA all last week for work. This is all that comes to mind as during this same week I played single mom -- the babies started swim lessons, Thade got in a fist fight, and Reed got double ear infections. Side note: Adalae's baby dedication was also last week. I almost didn't mention this part since I felt super guilty for not going but at this point I'm over the guilt and content with survival. Me: I got a new Tahoe. And it's black! I started a new job. I plan to start grad school in the fall. And I might very well be insane. The new job has seriously put a hamper on my blog posting ability for 2 reasons. #1. I like what I'm doing and would rather be doing my actual work while at work. #2. Blogs are restricted sites.
Other notes of interest, this Saturday I am throwing 2 (yes TWO) separate birthday parties. This weekend will raise my party host tally to 6 in the last 2.5 months. Thade will be 12 and Adalae is 1 already! Obviously, I tried talking Thade into sharing his party with his sister but I guess "cool" doesn't involve Baby Einstein when your 12. And Adalae WILL be having a Baby Einstein party because I saved all of Reed's decorations from last year. I even saved the Einstein candle that was on his birthday cake. I am not above reusing a candle!
About this time next month, I will officially have been on this earth for 3 decades.
Ok, that covers the major stuff. Now time for pictures!
Easter at Mimi's in Atown.
MeMaw and Adalae
I got one out of three possibly looking at the camera but all 3 are looking in the vincinity of the camera. I'm liking it!
Spring Break vacation - 20 something hours in the car later
The beach
PJ and Adalae
Grandpa, Reed and Peaches
Mimi's great grand children
Reed takes care of bidness!
I have the greatest husband in the world. It's 9:30 on Sunday night and Rustin is at the grocery store for me. I am blessed!
I'm a Pilates Instructor by day, somewhat competent housewife by night. I used to have hobbies but then CHILDRENS. I am married to the love of my life and somewhat charismatic Rustin Gradke. I have 4 kids that are wonderful sometimes but mostly they just eat a lot. I think God is pretty awesome for how he loves me.