The Fam

The Fam

Monday, April 20, 2009

2 birthdays + infectious disease = a weekend at the Gradkes

In my 30 years on this earth, I may have unconciously come to the conclusion that many ailments my parents warned me about were myths. I've never had these ailments nor have I known anyone to be affected. Two of them are poison ivy/oak, and infected cuts/scratches. I never really believed all those times I played in filthy creeks and bacteria infected forests that I would contract poision ivy. Nor did I ever think subjecting myself to the awful burning of peroxide would prevent infection.

So yesterday Thade and I are hanging out on the couch watching the Wiggles or some such when Thade casually starts scratching his arm. After a few minutes he pulls his sleeve up and asks, "Mom is there something on my arm?" This is what I see:

Ummm, yes, there is something on your arm! So gross. Immediately I packed up all 3 kids, called Rustin to cut his golf game short and headed to CareNow. In addition to this infected cut, Thade has a dozen more infected scratches on his legs, plus a bad case of poison ivy with a lovely rash all over his neck and chest. (Which by the way he never noticed until I pulled his shirt up in the Dr. office) He started a steriod pack and is taking 2 different antibiotics. Today it's worse but we are hoping for improvement tomorrow or we have to go back to the Dr.

Saturday I survived the 2 birthday parties. It drizzled most of Thade's party but the boys didn't care. They played football in the mud and had fun. I can't believe he is 12. I know its cliche but the time really does fly.
Here I was desparately trying to keep one of the 12 candles lit thought the Happy Birthday song. It never did stay lit.

Adalae's party was fun also.

Aunt Barbara brought this adorable hat for her to wear. Although she absolutely hated it on, we did get a good picture or two.

Reed enjoyed eating her cake........

And opening her presents.....


Reed's blankie isn't the only thing he likes to put up his nose.

So, what do you think, are these kids related or what?

Reed and I had a tea party tonight with Adalae's new tea set and real tea! (decaf obviously, I'm not a complete nitwit)

1 comment:

The Potts Family said...

Poor Thade! Hope it all gets better soon.
Love Adalae's outfit. adorable!