The Fam

The Fam

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Shock Therapy - They don't just do it in the movies

One thing I've always wanted to try besides Botox, Taming a wild hawk guitar lessons is shock therapy.  Well, today I got my chance!  What a weird (and not so comfortable) experience.  Basically, they hook you up to these nodes kinda like they do to crazy people in movies.  Except I didn't get to attack my annoying neighbor with a hot-glue gun or hide in a porta-potty toliet to deserve it.  The nodes send a shock to motor points that force your body into positions.  In my case, the shocks force my hand to close into a fist (well as close to a fist as I can get anyway).  It's interesting to say the least.

I saw the surgeon yesterday.  I didn't exactly get good news, but it's not bad news yet.  The skin flap he used to cover my stud is not gonna make it (that's OK flap-dude, just grow some more skin under your dying, patheticness and we'll be cool).  I have an option to go ahead with the skin graft surgery.  If I do, my healing time will be shortened but I would lose more finger.  And it's another surgery.  My other option is to keep waiting and pray that there is indeed good healthy skin growing under dying flap-dude. (Mr. Surgeon recommends this option).  My patience is growing very thin with the healing process.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually miss running.  I sleep on the wrong side of the bed to keep my hand on the outside and miss MY side.  I miss wrestling and picking up my kiddos.  It's hot and I want to swim.  I miss knitting (oh wait, I don't knit).  I'm still not able to hang my hand by my side and it basically hurts most of the time.  And did I mention it hurts?  Ok, ok, pity party over.

Overall, I'm doing well.  Rustin is fabulous, my kids are wild but sweet and my friends call and visit often. I have a new splint that leaves me with almost zero functionality but makes the injury less obvious which means I can stop telling nosy concerned strangers that an Obamacare supporter bit my finger off after I punched him. 

1 comment:

Kim said...

Heather you are so funny I love your sense of humor.. That cartoon is perfect!! ;) I think of you often and am sorry you are dealing with this.. You are strong girl and I am praying that you will heal and that there is new skin growing and the waiting will be over soon. Love, Kim bell